Feng Shui: believe or not believe, this is the question
How many
people say “oh I don’t believe in Feng Shui!”. Imagine in this moment a blind
person is there with you and says “oh I don’t believe colors exist”. What could
you tell him? Maybe the same I tell to those who don’t believe in Feng Shui: if
your perception or experience is limited, it doesn’t mean that what you’re not
trained to sense and experience does not exist.
‘I don’t
believe’ more often means ‘I did not give yet to myself the chance to try’, I’m
not letting my sensations become perceptions, and the perceptions become knowledge
and the knowledge become
Now, what
are we talking about? About the effect the space surrounding us and the people
living in it have on us, in a micro perspective (home, office, family,
colleagues, clients, friends) and in a macro one (village, city, Country,
general feature of the population). Far beyond the opinions these effects have
a solid scientific basis. I can hear the objection of the defenders of the
modern science: “has it maybe been proved that the effect of specific forms or
some missing areas in the properties or failing or excess in somebody
astrological chart is constant, reproducible and then with a scientific strength?”
I answer as a scientist (I have a degree in Medical Genetics with 10 years of
research in the field): is there maybe some mathematic theory from which an
appropriate machine has been created to collect samples and evaluate all this?
No, western science has not developed yet tools and instruments to demonstrate
if the Feng Shui principles are scientific or not following its own criteria.
Feng Shui criteria do not need machines or algorithms or complex statistical
methods, they are evidence based, as it said in a good part of the medical
science, and the evidence is that from thousands of years specific patterns
have always the same manifestation.
patterns are made of Forms and energy, the first visible and the second
apparently not, but surely manifest for those who are able to interpret the
perceptions: a person with a yellow face is having liver problems, a family without
warm cohesiveness have a depletion in the Trigram of the Mother or a separation
between the male and the female parts inside the house, a stubborn person
unable to cope
with the authority shows an excess of the Wood element and a
weak Metal, if the boss does not receive consideration and respect from the
staff the Trigram reflected on the head could be weak or also the desks in the
office are not placed properly. And I
can go on with countless examples.
So give to
yourself more inner space, open the door on your perceptions and listen to your
space and its inhabitants, list the situations of your life that seem to repeat
persistently generating pain, discomfort, oppression, limitation, obstacles. It’s
in their symbols manifested around you and inside you in space and time that you
can find the root of the problems and fortunately also the solution. Give
yourself the solutions!
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